What It Is (posts below left; rate sheet, client list, other stuff below right)

My name is Bob Land. I am a full-time freelance editor and proofreader, and occasional indexer. This blog is my website.

You'll find my rate sheet and client list here, as well as musings on the life of a freelancer; editing, proofreading, and indexing concerns and issues; my ongoing battles with books and production; and the occasional personal revelation.

Feel free to contact me directly with additional questions: landondemand@gmail.com.

Thanks for visiting. Leave me a comment. Come back often.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Catch of the day

Footnote from the current project:

224. Paul VI, “Message to the American cosmonauts: Luis Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins (July 21, 1969).”

Good ol' Luis Armstrong, known ever after to his buddies as Satchmoon.
(In the interest of accuracy, Neil Armstrong is the photographer here. The photo is of Buzz Aldrin.)

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