What It Is (posts below left; rate sheet, client list, other stuff below right)

My name is Bob Land. I am a full-time freelance editor and proofreader, and occasional indexer. This blog is my website.

You'll find my rate sheet and client list here, as well as musings on the life of a freelancer; editing, proofreading, and indexing concerns and issues; my ongoing battles with books and production; and the occasional personal revelation.

Feel free to contact me directly with additional questions: landondemand@gmail.com.

Thanks for visiting. Leave me a comment. Come back often.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Twice a Year, for Eight or Nine Years: 150,000 Words of This

Well, in fairness, not all of it:

“This thou art”; a thou who responds to the calling of the I that constitutes it as a thou, who in turn “allows” the I to be I. 

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